Since Friday, Oct. 30, Peace Wapiti Public School Division (PWPSD) has been advised of confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Peace Wapiti Academy (PWA) and Whispering Ridge Community School (WRCS). 

Families and staff were sent the information over the weekend. The names of the individuals affected won’t be released.  

PWA had a case confirmed on each Friday and Sunday, while WCRS had one on Saturday and one Sunday.  

Due to the confirmed cases of COVID-19 and the number of close contacts identified this past weekend, out of an abundance of caution and lack of available staff, Alberta Education has granted PWPSD permission to authorize a short-term operational shift to at-home remote learning for WRCS for the remainder of this week, Tuesday, Nov. 3 to Friday, Nov. 6.  

While in-school learning at WRCS is expected to resume on Monday, Nov. 9, at-home remote learning may need to be extended for an additional week, as more information becomes known through contact tracing. 

In-school learning at PWA will continue as usual for all students not identified by AHS as a close contact.