Early this morning, around 4:45, firefighters responded to a fire on 104th Street in Rycroft Ridge in Sexsmith. 

The Sexsmith Fire Department and County of Grande Prairie Regional Fire Service Dunes and Clairmont Stations were on location. 

They found a resident of the home trying to fight the fire with a garden hose. A vehicle was on fire in an attached garage, believed to have started in the engine. 

Crews brought the fire under control quickly and it didn’t make it to the house, and no one was injured. 

“Thankfully, the residents of the home discovered the fire quickly and an early call to 911 was made, while they attempted to action the fire with resources they had available. We would like to remind the community that you should only attempt to control fires if they are small and it is safe to do so, and always follow the directions of fire department personnel on their arrival. Vehicle fires can be very dangerous, and the smoke released when they are on fire is extremely toxic” said Regional Fire Service Deputy Chief Jason Nesbitt. 

The fire is currently under investigation by the County Fire Marshall.