The annual darkness to light walk will take place Sept.12 starting from the Centre 2000 parking lot from 6:30 a.m. through to 9:00 a.m.

The Resource Centre for Suicide Prevention (RCSP) are encouraging those who are taking part to start at any time in those hours to keep the number of people down around the signage or along the paths.

Ainsley Miller from the Resource Center explains that on Sept. 10 is Global Suicide Prevention Awareness Day.

"So we host the walk on September 12th which is on the Saturday morning. We will talk to each small group as they set off on the path, and talk to them about suicide prevention, statistics and some of the resources that are avaiable here locally."

They are also taking extra precautions this year due to COVID-19. This includes inviting a staggered start for participant cohorts/groups, sanitizing surfaces at the washrooms, and requiring at least one person per cohort to register prior to the walk. The registration information will only be used in the event that contact tracing by AHS is required. 

As people arrive, they will be greeted by volunteers and staff who will explain the walk process, welcome everyone and check registration. Once completed, participants are able to begin their walk. 

RCSP shares the purpose of the event.

"What we will be doing is acknowledging you are part of suicide prevention awareness in our community, that you are part of a community who cares and wants to know more about what is happening and how to advocate for getting help, and making every effort to keep you physically and mentally safe."

They suggest if you would like to continue your conversation, take the day to do some self-care and maybe go out for breakfast afterwards.

Registration can be found through Eventbrite.

Learn more about the walk at the RCSP Facebook page.