Next month a film about faith and loss will be hitting theatres, something a reality tv star/bounty hunter knows well.

The new film, Hunter's Creed, is about a man dealing with loss. Inspired to create his own reality show, a man named Dave dreamed of filming his hunting expeditions with friends. Dave's wife Kate is diagnosed with cancer, bringing his dreams to a halt. Dave's wife Katie then dies from her illness and later, Dave and his church friends reunite to made Dave's dream a reality.

Duane 'Dog' Chapman from "Dog the Bounty Hunter" encourages Dave to go on with the show. As an outspoken Christian, the film's crew tells the Christian Post that Dog was the perfect casting.

The reality TV star prayed with his family on his show and has strong roots in his faith. Recently, Dog himself lost his wife, helping him relate to the character of Dave more. 

"It was a beautiful experience to shed tears on set with Dog while making the film. There is a scene where Dog is giving the main character, Dave, advice on taking care of his wife (Kate), who just found out she had cancer. Dog began to weep during the take and began giving real-life advice, off-script and from his heart, on what to do for his wife — advice that he had learned when dealing with Beth's battle with cancer," Justin Jackola, the film's director says.

Four hunters go into the woods to hunt deer in the fall.

The film's synopsis says that while in the woods, the men encounter a dark presence. The four explore the darkness, both in the woods and in their lives. Topics live sharing faith, and life after death are discussed by the men in the film. A trailer for the film shows the men discussing the meaning of heaven and hell.

Hunter's Creed is set to be released in October 2020.