A man in Winnipeg started a website after noticing a lack of fiction writing for Christians.

Green Leaf Writing is launching a new website to give Christians free access to stories that offer clean content.

"I've been writing stories since I was a little kid," Elijah Buchan says. "When I was getting Green Leaf Writing going I had this conviction from the Lord to focus on that content."

Buchan wants his writing to help "discerning adults find clean content."

He had been writing for himself for years, but with the help of his dad, a pastor from Calvary Chapel, the pair started on the website.

"You do not have to compromise to create something that is enjoyable."

Buchan wants parents to feel they do not have to "give up" clean content so their children to enjoy a story.

Buchan writes primarily for adults and young adults, allowing his readers to engage in mysteries, suspense, and other genres without worrying about encountering "lewd" content.

To help readers become aware of the content in the story, Buchan rates his stories and makes the rating clear before a reader become emotionally invested in the story. To help prioritize his writing, Buchan created a voting system on his website.

"You do not have to compromise to create something that is enjoyable," he says.

Buchan has a family and two children, helping him see the importance of sharing his passion with others. He is currently looking for artists from the Christian community wanting to share their work on his website.

Readers can view his work online.