To adjust to the evolving landscape of ministry, Promise Keepers Canada has officially rebranded itself as Impactus. This transformation marks the end of a careful three-year transformation process aimed at staying relevant in the ever-changing world of ministry.

For years, Promise Keepers Canada had been interchangeable with its successful conferences, but a shift in attendance patterns prompted crucial conversations about the ministry's future direction. They realized it was time for a change.

The name 'Impactus' was introduced in 2020, representing a desire to become a global, digital ministry with a focus on targeting younger generations of men. 

“Our transitional plan to become Impactus was prayerful, intentional, and out of respect for the incredible legacy of the ministry. This time of transition also prepared us strategically for a world of new ministry opportunities,” said Dean Brenton, president of Impactus.

Impactus is a Latin word that means to “press closely into something.” This word was chosen because the organization believes that when men press closely into their walk with Jesus and allow Him to press into their lives, the godly impact on marriages, families, workplaces, and communities becomes undeniable.

The organization says that over the past three years, Impactus has invested in developing high-quality digital resources for men and men's ministry leaders. 

Their website and social media channels have successfully reached hundreds of thousands of men, marking a shift towards a digital-first approach. While they're embracing the digital era and forming global partnerships, Impactus isn't forgetting its roots. They'll continue to host in-person conferences and events across Canada to ensure they remain a presence in the lives of Canadian men.

"While our name is changing, our ministry vision remains the same: to see every man becoming, growing, and living as a disciple of Christ," said Brenton.

Impactus is now better equipped than ever to achieve this mission, adapting its methods to suit a rapidly changing world and resonate with a new generation of men.

The organization says Impactus isn't just a name change; it represents a renewed commitment to empowering men to lead purposeful lives that make a positive impact. This transformation signifies a bold step forward in the ongoing journey of Promise Keepers Canada, now known as Impactus.