'Into the Sea' was written by Tasha Layton in what she calls “the dark nights of the soul”.

In an interview with Kevin Davis on New Release Today, Layton opens up about the place she was in when writing this hit song. 

"When we entered this writing session, my husband, who is a music producer, and I were coming out of a season of deep hurt. We had walked through a difficult time in our marriage," she says. "And, we wanted to write music that could help people."

Layton released her first Christian album Love Running Wild in 2019. Before this she had tried out on American Idol and had also toured with Katy Perry for four years as one of her back-up vocalists. 

"For a long time, I thought the outcomes in my life were solely determined by how good of a person I was or because God had it out to get me if I messed up. I’ve since recognized the error in my theology and realized how far from the truth that is," says Layton.

Layton and her husband have two young children, a boy and girl. While the song is based on the 46th Psalm, her son had an effect in writing 'Into the Sea' as well. 

Tasha Layton with her husband, son and daughter. (Tasha Layton/Facebook)

"I have a two-year-old son and when he falls and scrapes his knee, or when he is scared or sad, I take his little face in my hands, I look at him and say, ‘You know what buddy, it’s gonna be okay'."

While Layton wrote this in a hard season of her life, dealing with issue in her marriage, she says that this song is relevant for people facing anxiety and worry with the pandemic. 

"When your world feels like it's completely upside down, remember, it is going to be okay," she says, relying on the words in the Bible.

"If we learn to build our lives on scripture, we can all have a rock as our foundation, as we navigate our lives."

Her latest EP released in 2020 is also called Into the Sea and has five songs on it. 

"My husband and I have both passed the point in our lives of just writing any song. We want our music to speak to what people are going through. Music that ministers to them."

The new music written by Layton has ministered to her own heart during those dark moments, and she says she hopes it brings an honest heart cry for those listening.

"Sometimes, you end up writing a song that holds the weight of ministry that you dream about."