After a very difficult season of anxiety, Jordan Feliz felt God asking him to talk and sing about the hard things in his new album.

The Christian artist's new album out today is called 'Say It' and throughout the songs, Feliz bares his heart.

In a recent video interview with CCM Magazine, Feliz says that he felt God asking him to say what was hardest for Feliz to talk about. 

"After praying for it I just felt like the Lord was saying, 'Say what I've done in your life. Say what I've delivered you from. Say the things I have provided for you and say who I am for you,'" says Feliz during the interview.

He's spent the last two years writing this record and he shares that this record is one that he's most excited to share with the world. 

"While writing this record I've been delivered from anxiety and stress. My life has just changed," he says.

The record contains a few singles that have already been released and very well received, such as 'Glorify' and 'Next to Me'. 

Feliz collaborated with other artists on the album including "two of his heroes", Lecrae and TobyMac. A few other names are Terrian, Hulvey, and Aaron Cole.

The inspiration behind the album was to talk about the hard things and lift of God's name.

"I just wanted to get back to what this is all about; telling the world about Jesus. It's about claiming the name of Jesus over each other as a church, and over each other as a people. This entire record is about being vulnerable and honest, and saying it!" Feliz shared with New Release Today during an exclusive interview.

Feliz hopes people gain confidence listening to this record to share their own real story.