Isolation is inspiring people to become creative, including Christian artist Matthew West and his family.

West is making it clear that he is missing his morning coffee shop, going to work, and seeing his kids off to school with a new song and video.

Many people can relate to the West family's struggles with finding toilet paper, missing their hairdresser, and other changes quickly made because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The performer shared that he missing being able to play a show and wants to go to church, but knows that it is for a good reason.

To combat the feeling of being isolated, West is sharing a new song and video, featuring his family.

"Had to release a little bit of the crazy! Hope it puts a smile on your face," West writes in his video's post.

West released the video last week and has received over 447,000 views so far.

Along with the jokes, West added that his family is staying safe.

West is challenging others in isolation to share their stories using the hashtag #QuarantineLife.