Local Christian artists, Jilliana and Jonathan Baldwin, have released a brand new single called “Eden” Both Jilliana and Jonathan are no strangers to music, Jonathan started in his 20’s and Jilliana was always passionate about poetry and putting her words to music.

“When I first got saved, really saved, I had my first encounter with God at 17, but it took till about early 20s before I really surrendered my life to him and from that point, I had always been involved with music in a secular sense I had made. Like Irish folk music CD with a little band that I got involved with the Renaissance Fair and just stuff like that. Simple things like that but it only made sense that once I concentrated my life to God, an expression of my walk with him was always in writing music. I was always writing something. A lot of it was just very private” Jonathan said.

Their song “Eden” was recorded locally at Victory Church. Jilliana said the song came for them out of a season of being really busy. Jonathan was really busy with the media department at Victory when they church went on line. The song came to him after a trip to the store.

“Jonathan went away to the grocery store and came back and he sat down with his guitar and he just started seeing these lyrics and I had an emotional reaction. I just started crying for us, this song is hugely represents the need to remember the good of God and not look at our external circumstances but to keep coming back to that intimacy. 'cause that's the only thing that gets us through, right? So that's what it is for me personally”

The couple have a video production company called “Bread and Wine films” and recently did Devin Robinson's new video “Simple song”. They will be working on their own video for “Eden” next summer.