"One of our best friends, one with whom we have walked, worked and lived alongside for 20 + years revealed some of his innermost feelings on his faith journey this past week," Hawk Nelson says in a statement released Wednesday morning.

The band's frontman, Jon Steingard, recently announced that he no longer believes in God. Many Christian artists have spoken out already, encouraging Steingard and letting him know that he is still loved. 

Now, Steingard's bandmates are speaking out.

"Our mission as Hawk Nelson has always been to inspire and encourage all people with the truth that God is FOR them and not against them. In that message’s most simple and purest form, that THEY matter," the band writes in the statement published on their social media accounts.

"So now we turn that truth towards one of our own. That God is still FOR Jon & he still matters. Why? Because that truth doesn’t change just because we question it."

Steingard says in his announcement that he has struggled with many doubts and questions. He eventually came to the conclusion that their is no God.

Hawk Nelson says that they will continue to love Steingard and encourage him to continue seeking truth.

"How we treat one another when they are at a different stage in their journey based on their life experiences is part of a bigger conversation. We are called to love one another unconditionally, as God loves us. We should also encourage and challenge one another in our Faith, seeking truth."

The band asks, "Are we the authors of our own salvation and eternity? Has God provided a way to salvation for us through Jesus? These are the questions that we each must ask and explore.

"In the Bible (Romans 8:38) Paul writes, '… I am convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love… neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow - not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below - indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.'

"The same Lord is Lord of all, and gives richly to all who call on Him, for, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'

Ever thankful and grateful for how God has used this band, the music and the relationships and how He continues to do so.

Daniel, Micah, David.