Monday is election day across the country.

Leanne Nyirfa with Elections Canada says it's important you vote at the polling station you're assigned to.

"You should check your voter information card that you should have received in the mail. The location of the polling station is on that card as well as the hours of voting, which is 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday."

If you haven't received your card in the mail you can still cast a ballot by contacting Elections Canada either online or by calling 1-800-463-6868 and registering there.

She says they don't provide a list of polling stations because sometimes voters will simply show up at the most convenient one rather than the one they're supposed to vote at.

COVID rules will be in effect with social distancing and masks required.

"Safety is absolutely our number one priority for both our workers and for electors coming to the polls, so we will have in place, at all of our polls, physical distancing. All of our staff are going to be masked. We'll be using Plexiglas barriers in locations within the station to separate workers from voters," she explained.

"Of course you're going to see hand sanitizing stations. There'll be staff doing frequent cleaning, and of course, voters will have to wear a mask on election day. That is mandated in Alberta."

She says to register you'll need identification that includes your name and your address like a driver's licence.

If you don't have a driver's licence, you can bring two other pieces of ID such as your Alberta Health Card and a bill that has your address on it.

Nyirfa expects it'll be busy and there could be lines, but anyone who's in line before 7:30 p.m. will be able to cast a ballot.