Congratulations to Magon and Justin Moyer from People's Church our latest Date Night on Daniel winners.

They won a $100 gift card to Jeffrey’s and a Cineplex gift card courtesy of Daniel Cram of Sutton Realty.

Valerie Shook nominated the couple, "Magon and Justin have been touching lives in their leadership role with CR (Celebrate Recovery) and in the community. Magon does various duties in serving the church in many areas. Being in a leader role God has given her the growth and that in turns ripples to other members. Magon touches lives every day in ways that she may never understand. Magon is humble and strong in God all at the same time. Justin has connected with other men in the church to show that God is on our side, and it is ok for men to show their love for God and how his life has changed to bring Peace and Love to others.

This couple are young but understand that we cannot do this walk alone but need God to guide our day. They have children and they are showing them that God is needed in our daily lives. Within their lives they are never too busy to stop and provide words of encouragement but as well they are willing to listen and absorb when talking to Elders and learning from their experiences.

This date night would be great timing for them to just relax and enjoy a quiet evening with just the two of them. God is always on our side and it is good for leaders to remind those that are building their faith to hear from others their age. As an Elder it makes me come to tears just typing this to know that after I am gone and sitting with God at the throne there are others walking the path of God and sharing the word and all it's glory. Amen"

Nominate your ministry leader today for a Date Night on Daniel.