The County of Grande Prairie released its new 2020-2025 Strategic Plan today, which will guide all planning, initiatives and operations in the County over the next five years.

The Plan will direct the work of the County in a variety of areas such as service delivery, land use planning, infrastructure, citizen well-being, partnerships and economic development. It also includes a new vision for the County: The County of Grande Prairie No. 1. First in building sustainable, prosperous and safe communities.

Seven themes identify the most important priorities for the County. Each theme is supported by focused objectives to achieve these priorities and the new vision.

“Each part of the plan thoughtfully considers the changing needs of our community while getting the most out of the opportunities in front of us,” said Reeve Leanne Beaupre. “This five-year roadmap balances community building with fiscal responsibility and speaks to a vision of the County that is livable, vibrant and resilient.”

The seven themes that will shape the foundation of the County’s work and planning over the next five years include: Effective Transportation Networks; Fiscal Sustainability; Economic Development; Technology Infrastructure; Safe Communities; Density and Service Standards; and Governance and Leadership.

Beaupre said Council’s planning process was a collective effort, guided by input from County staff and listening to the public.

“Council has charted a path that we believe best reflects how our citizens want to experience their community today and for future generations.”

With the plan now approved, Council and administration will regularly monitor the plan, track progress, and report to the public annually. This process will ensure the County can make adjustments to accommodate change, challenges and new opportunities that arise.

For more information about the County of Grande Prairie’s Strategic Plan, visit