A Manitoba parish is still recovering after finding their sanctuary vandalized Sunday morning. 

Father Michel Nault from the St. Francois Xavier Parish says that as congregants arrived for Mass Sunday they began to realize something was wrong. 

"When the parishioners started arriving on Sunday morning, immediately it was obvious there had been really serious vandalism. And the church - immediately the police was informed - and the church was closed off."

Father Nault says a number of the church's statues were damaged. (Fr. Michel Nault)Nault says the vandalism was extensive and appears to be totally random in nature. "The whole church actually - the whole interior of the church was vandalized. Every part of it from the rafters to the sanctuary. Especially the sanctuary."

Forgives those responsible

Nault says one of the first things he did on Sunday with his congregation was to speak a word of forgiveness for those responsible. He says the church also prayed for the conversion of the suspects.

Nault is at a loss as to why somebody would do such a thing. "All you can say is it doesn't make sense."

The parishioners were visibly upset Nault says, even the small children that were present. Nault says that the community would appreciate the prayers of others as they begin to heal.

The congregation hopes to be able to celebrate Mass in their sanctuary again this weekend. However, Nault says, that depends on the insurance and police investigation.

Nault said he was very thankful for the prayers of others, and the response of local RCMP.

St. Francois Xavier is approximately 28 km west of Winnipeg.