Winnipeg churches are learning to adapt their youth groups so they can stay connected with local teenagers, but some methods have worked better than others.

One such church is Morrow Gospel located on St. Anne's Rd. Their youth group is run by a local couple, Jeremiah and Heidi Buhler who recently became parents. 

Before social distancing guidelines were put in place, the church hosted roughly 25 teens each Friday night for youth group. 

Now their numbers are a lot smaller. 

"The zoom youth nights go well with lots of talking and laughing but unfortunately we have only had around 2-5 youth show up on zoom and we have been running this for around 8 weeks", explains Heidi. 

ames over zoom has sufficed, the leaders hope that with Phase 2 bringing less restrictions, the group can connect sooner rather than later. 

"Our church is still deciding what that will look like. We are hoping things can switch to in person meetings, socially distanced."