A pastor and a boy with impaired hearing have been allegedly killed by Boko Haram in Cameroon.

The Islamic militant group took the lives of David Mokoni, a retired pastor, and the boy on November 6 during an attack during the night.

The attack took place against a church in Moskota, a town in Cameroon's north Mayo-Tsanaga district, Barnabas Aid reports. Two other pastors were at the church when the attack took place. Both managed to escape, and a third is receiving care for a gunshot wound to the leg.

Food, clothing, and robes belonging to the pastor were taken from the church.

Attacks had also taken place on October 31, making the November 6 attack the second day of violence in one week.

Four people were brutally killed by militants in Ktoserehe, a Cameroon village, during the October 31 attacks.

A member of the village's vigilance committee says the attackers came to the village "armed with machetes, axes, knives, and clubs, and cut out anyone they met on their way ... they were literally chopped up by their executioners."

A resident in the village says her 15-year-old nephew was killed in the attacks after five militants broke into her home at night.

Also on October 31, Moskata was attacked by militants, resulting in the death of one man and 140 stolen oxen and cattle.

Barnabas Aid reports a series of attacks carried out in the far north region of Cameroon have resulted in the deaths of eight people since October.