A video of an 80-year-old in hospice care being baptized as his dying wish is encouraging thousands of viewers.

Jenis James Grindstaff is in at-home hospice care in South Carolina. Before he passes away, he has one last request. There is a moment he wants to experience. 

Grindstaff wants to be baptized by immersion. Fortunately, with the help of volunteers and hospital staff, he has been able to fulfill his request. 

After notifying the hospital chaplains of his wish, Grindstaff`s family gathered to attend the ceremony. 

“He wanted to show he believed more than anything else.” 

Jim Grindstaff, one of his sons, flew in from Ohio to see the event. "He’s always read the Bible, but he had never been baptized,” Jim says to WLTX19. “He wanted to show he believed more than anything else.” 

It was important to Jenis that he not just be "sprinkled".

The staff were determined to make his wish come true and luckily they had the tools to do so. It's not common that the hospital is able to accommodate a dying wish but this was an exception. 

“Seeing that smile on his face fills my heart with joy.”

In the Hospital's hospice home, there is a 60-gallon tub normally used for immobile patients. Early in December, the tub was brought to the home of Jenis' other son, Craig, whom he lives with. 

Chaplain Terrell Jones is Jenis' primary chaplain and he was delighted to perform the baptism and be a part of the moment. “It’s about our patients’ wishes,” Jones says to ChurchLeaders. “We’re grateful to honour Mr. Grindstaff’s wishes.”

“Being able to honour wishes like this baptism is heartwarming,” Hospice Home Nurse Manager Tameka Irvin says. “Seeing that smile on his face fills my heart with joy.”

After the baptism, Jenis says to everyone, "that felt good."

Jenis hopes his display of faith will inspire others, and says, “if I reach one person, it’s a great deal.”

The video, posted by the hospital has been viewed over 200,000 times, and shared over 3,000 times. The comments are flooded with encouragement.