After celebrating his 70th birthday, a vicar was devastatingly welcomed by a burgled home and a beaten dog.

Reverend Phillip Owen, a vicar in the UK, says his big day was absolutely ruined by what he came home to. He claims the robbers took the equivalent of almost $95,000 worth of items.

Rev. Owen was accompanied home by his family including his grandchildren who were left "traumatised with the mess that was here," Rev. Owen says to Premier. 

His wife was inconsolable as they also discovered that their dog was abused. 

The vicar states that the burglars stole meat from his fridge mixed in the glass from the window they had smashed and fed it to Rusty, the family dog. 

Rusty is in full recovery. (South Wales Police Swansea and Neath Port Talbot/Facebook)Rusty was found limping. He was beaten on his hind legs and ribs. After a check-up, it was confirmed Rusty had avoided ingesting the glass and reportedly is in full recovery.

Many pieces of priceless jewellery were stolen, according to Rev. Owen one was over 100-years-old. "There were pink emeralds, orange sapphires, completely irreplaceable," he says to Premier.

To the vicar, it's not the money or the jewellery that he is upset about, it's the meaning behind them. "The memories are gone," Rev. Owen says to Premier. 

Three men were charged with the crimes, one accomplice was 19-years-old another the court states is a "career criminal". They admitted to the charges and were found guilty with sentences ranging up to four years. 

Around $22,000 worth of the jewels have been located the rest have yet to be found.