Alberta's Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw is encouraging the public to be proactive about their mental health and well being during the COVID-19 crisis.

Hinshaw says that having a support system is crucial to mental health and well being, particularly in high-stress situations like this.

Hinshaw recommends reaching out to loved ones and having honest conversations about how you are feeling.

As an extension to Hinshaw's message, Alberta Health Services has launched "Text 4 Hope." 

The free text-based program has been put in place to help ease any anxiety and stress that Albertans may be feeling surrounding COVID-19.

Hinshaw says that "Albertans can text COVID19Hope to 393939 to subscribe," and "In return, they'll receive daily text messages on healthy thinking or actions to help manage their mood."

In addition to this, anyone that is struggling with their mental health can reach out to the Mental Health Help Line at:

1-877-303-2642 and Children can call The Kids Help Phone for support at 1-800-668-6868.

Photo Courtesy: CochraneNow