Alberta’s chief medical officer of health has announced seven new cases of novel coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19.

There are now 14 confirmed cases in Alberta, and all of them are travel-related.

These new cases of COVID-19 are all recovering in isolation at home with support from public health officials. One previously announced individual is currently receiving treatment in hospital. This person had a pre-existing chronic condition.

“While new cases are always concerning, Albertans should know that increases are expected as we work aggressively to limit the virus’s spread. We are all in this together. Every one of us has a role to play in protecting our families, friends and fellow Canadians. The precautionary measures you take now will help shield yourself and others, especially seniors and people with pre-existing medical conditions, from this virus”, says Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health

Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health, commented, “Alberta is well-prepared for this challenge, and our system continues to respond quickly and effectively to every confirmed case. I want to thank all of our health professionals for their continued dedication. We will ensure that our public health professionals and the health system overall have the resources they need to protect Albertans, now and in the days ahead.”

Three of the new cases are from the Edmonton zone. They involve a male in his seventies and a female in her sixties who had travelled together, and a female in her thirties who had also recently travelled outside of Canada.

The other four new cases are from the Calgary zone. They involve a male in his fifties, two females in their thirties and a female in her forties.

The travellers had returned from visiting a range of countries, including France, the Netherlands, Egypt, Iran, Taiwan, Germany, Malaysia, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, the Philippines and the United States. Several of the cases visited more than one country on their trip. One individual was also on the same MS Braemar cruise ship in the Caribbean as a case announced March 9.

As part of Alberta’s COVID-19 response, public health teams are already identifying and notifying anyone who came into close contact with these individuals. All close contacts displaying symptoms are being tested. Even those not displaying symptoms will self-isolate for 14 days to prevent any possible spread if they were to display symptoms in the future.

The risk level in Alberta is currently low, though this may change in the coming weeks.

All Albertans should practise good hygiene, such as frequent handwashing, and should stay home if feeling ill.