Pete Brown was sailing from Japan to Hawaii with friends for Christmas but their vessel ran into difficulties during a storm.

The United States Coast Gaurd says the crew was lost for nine days after their mast broke. The storm also damaged their communication devices, making it impossible for the men to communicate for help. The three men lost contact with land on December 20, 2019, but were found on December 29. The men returned to land on January 2 after their rescuers answered their family's prayers.

"We serve a mighty God; we believe in the power of prayer for miracles," Pete's sister Christine Brown wrote in a Facebook post.

'"A lot of love was going around, and a lot of prayers and a lot of faith," Brown says to Chanel 9 News about the 10 days they were lost at sea. 

On Christmas, the US Coast Gaurd started sending airplanes to look for the crew, five days after the family noticed they had lost contact.

"Praise Jesus the Coast Guard found all the men alive," Christine says after the boat had been found 656 miles from their final destination in Hawaii.

During the time they were lost at sea, Pete says he had been praying to see his family again. He says he "prayed and hoped that either way (his) family was going to be okay."

The crew returned to their families on Saturday.

1/4/20: Yesterday, Peter was able to reunite with his wife and son in Honolulu. It was as amazing as you might expect....

Posted by Christine Brown on Friday, December 27, 2019