The Pope has issued an apology after he swatted at the hands of a woman who grabbed and pulled him on New Year's Eve.

Pope Francis was making his way through Saint Peter's Square on New Year's Eve, greeting children in the crowd.

As he turned to go towards the other side of the walkway a woman grabbed his arm and pulled him toward her. The Pope was obviously startled at the gesture, and appeared to some to be hurt.

The woman held on to his hand until the Pope swatted at her hand twice. She eventually let go and he walked away as his security detail approached the woman.

"We lose patience many times," Francis confessed as he issued an apology on New Year's Day, according to CBS. "It happens to me too. I apologize for the bad example given yesterday."

CBS says that after the incident the Pope walked "with some difficulty." He also kept a further distance from the crowds.

In his homily on New Year's Day Francis condemned all violence against women.