After the funeral of her daughter, a popular worship leader who asked for resurrection prayers is now sharing what's to come in the new year.

Kalley Heiligenthal, a Bethel Church worship leader attended the funeral of her 2-year-old daughter Olive Heiligenthal on Friday, December 27, 2019. On January 2, 2020, Heiligenthal shared with followers the difficulty of that moment and of beginning a new year without her child.

In mid-December following Olive's death, Kalley put out a call to believers worldwide asking for prayer for the resurrection of her daughter. Believers worldwide prayed for a week until Bethel Church announced the funeral date.

"Olive is alive in Him, so we press back and live fully alive too."

Kalley states in an Instagram post, "I felt the tension. The resistance to move into a decade without Olive. 

"2019 is overwhelmingly saturated with treasured memories I would never trade and will fight to cherish."

The worship leader, then reminds her followers that this life is short and that eternity is the true life. "Jesus bought that for us. So I choose triumphant thankfulness.

"There is a heaven that is more real and vivid than what we have here and it’s pressing in on us."

Kalley is choosing to move forward in this decade and to focus on the promises of God. "Jesus is alive, Olive is alive in Him, so we press back and live fully alive too," she says.

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