Recently some online media have posted fake news stories and posts stating that the distracted driving law is changing to be more strict. Some false penalties state a $999 fie and three-year licence suspension for holding a cellphone in your hand. Other claims were made about the new policies coming into effect on February 1, 2020, which is untrue, along with the notion that eating and holding any type of electronic device would constitute distracted driving. 

These types of messages have been reported to be popping up in social media feeds in the U.S. and in Australia since December 2019 and have been deemed false in each case.

According to the provincial government website eating and talking with passengers and even calling 911 from a handheld device is not illegal, and the penalty for distracted driving in Alberta is a $287 fine and 3 demerit points.  

Michaleen Elabdi, Assistant Director, Alberta Transportation Communications and Public Engagement, states, "There are no changes to Alberta’s distracted driving legislation and the penalties for anyone charged and convicted of distracted driving.  More information about Alberta’s distracted driving laws can be found on the Alberta Transportation website."