The COVID-19 crisis has been a difficult time to navigate for many, including expectant mothers.

Okotoks musician Tanya Ryan is nine months pregnant and has been candid on social media about her pregnancy experience during the virus outbreak.

Due to health guidelines and physical distancing, Ryan was required to make changes to her original baby shower plans and switched it to an online event.

Ryan says she is grateful for the support from loved ones as it has made a significant difference in her experience during this time.

"Everytime someone comes and drops something off, and I've gotten so many messages and phone calls...just people that are thinking about you it just makes you go 'oh, I'm not forgotten' because it is a special time and your mind goblin kind of goes into this place where you're like 'oh, I'm missing out on it being special'," she explains. "So everytime someone reaches out to me or makes a gesture I'm like 'I'm still special, I still get this, this is still an experience that I get to have.' "

When it comes to birthing plans, Ryan was already planning on a home birth but new restrictions mean a friend they were originally planning on being present for the birth will no longer be able to be there.

On March 18, Alberta Health Services made adjustments to the guidelines for patients giving birth in hospital stating that women will now be limited to one family member or support person in the delivery room.

Ryan says her biggest piece of advice for expecting moms going through this pandemic is to communicate what they are wanting and to be direct.

"For people that are going through pregnancy it's a big deal. Lots of people are losing their showers, they're not able to go do that last minute pampering. If you need those things you can make that known to the people around you because everybody is really distracted right now by everything that's going on," she says. "So, non-essential things naturally are kind of going down but some of those are kind of essential, I mean, it doesn't seem essential but it's a mental thing."

Loved ones are encouraged to not let the current events surrounding the outbreak diminish this special time for the expectant mother in their lives and to be there for them in whatever way they need to be supported, whether it be sharing joy with them or holding space for them by allowing them to grieve or celebrate in any way they need.

Ryan adds that pregnant or not, it is important to take things one day a time and to be educated and aware without becoming panicked or fearful.