Women ages 50 to 74 — the group most at risk of developing breast cancer — will have local access to screening mammography services when the Alberta Health Services Screen Test program arrives in the community at the end of the month.

A mobile mammography trailer will be stationed at the Valleyview Health Centre (43 East Highway Street) Oct. 30, and Nov. 1-4. The mobile mammography trailer will then move to the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation Health Centre on Nov. 5.

AHS is pleased to offer additional cancer screening services during this time. AHS Screening Programs is partnering with Screen Test as part of a project to provide cervical and colorectal cancer screening at the Valleyview Medical Clinic (2812B East Highway Street) on Nov. 2 and 3, and at the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation Health Centre on Nov. 5. A female Nurse Practitioner will provide the screening.

Appointments can be made for mammography services, cervical and colorectal cancer screening by calling Screen Test at 1-800-667-0604.

Screen Test is improving access to cancer screening for hundreds of women in northern Alberta communities where mammography is not readily available. With the addition of cervical and colorectal screening, AHS is making cancer screening more convenient with just one stop.

A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast and has proven to be the most effective way to detect breast cancer. Early detection allows for a greater number of options for treatment and a better chance of survival.

Women ages 25 to 69 should have regular cervical cancer screening using Pap tests.

Everyone ages 50 to 74 should be screened for colorectal cancer. Those who are not high risk can have a regular colorectal screening using the FIT home stool test.

Having regular cancer screening can prevent and detect cancer at its early stages when treatment is more effective. Visit screeningforlife.ca to learn more.

Information provided by AHS