Dave Koop is embarking on a journey he's been dreaming of doing for a while, canoeing from Manitoba to Northwest Territories in support of Child Evangelism Fellowship.

Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) provides Christian outreach for children in Canada and all across the world. They are well known for their Good News Clubs and 5-Day Club ministries that take place in neighbourhood settings such as homes, backyards, schools and community centres globally.

"We have over 3400 missionaries around the world, in over 200 countries of the world and over 100,000 volunteers," says National Growth Director at CEF, Art Alexander. "Last year, we had just over 16.5 million kids [enrolled in our ministries], and 5.5 million kids decided that they wanted to give their life to Christ."

As noted, CEF has many supporters and causes a great deal of change in the lives of millions, and Dave Koop wants to show his support personally for the work they are doing at this non-profit by canoeing thousands of kilometres across Canada.

From June 1 to September 1, Kanoe for Kids is CEF's summer fundraiser to support their outreach in the Atlantic provinces of Canada, and on top of this fundraiser, Koop will be canoeing from Flin Flon, Manitoba to Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories—a 3 month-long 3760 km trek.

This is the equivalent if someone were to drive from Winnipeg to Moncton in New Brunswick.

Dave Koop beginning his canoe journey with his dog TaigaDave Koop beginning his canoe journey with his dog Taiga (Dave Koop Adventures/Facebook)

To prepare for this long trip, Koop has travelled to towns that will be his checkpoints on the way and has dropped off food and other supplies to keep him going. He'll also be fishing along the way.

Alexander says Koop has connections to some of those towns because of his previous work.

The adventurer will not be travelling alone either, he has a rescue dog named Taiga to keep him company.

"He's always wanted to do this kind of thing, he has a heart for the gospel, he has a heart for the ministry and so we're pretty excited to partner with him. The funds that we'll be raising for this will go help around the world, but also primarily for our ministry just starting back up in the Atlantic provinces."

Alexander also says that this experience is humbling in a sense because this man, one of their supporters is taking time out of his life to do something so physically demanding just to show he supports their mission. He also notes that Koop is just one of many people who encourage the continuation of what CEF does.

For those wishing to show support for Child Evangelism Fellowship for their Kanoe for Kids campaign, can visit cefcanada.org. Those interested in learning more, they are encouraged to reach out to their provincial CEF office.

To learn more about Dave's journey, click here.

Dave Koop's mapMap of Dave Koop's journey.