Over the long weekend, Alberta completed more than 46,000 COVID-19 cases and 619 cases were found. There were 154 on Sept. 4, 171 on Sept. 5, 137 on Sept. 6 and 157 on Sept. 7. 

There are now 1,692 active cases, which is the most we’ve had since May 9. Over the weekend, 355 Albertans recovered, for a total of 13,154 recoveries. 

Currently, 45 Albertans are in the hospital with COVID-19, with 10 of these in intensive care. There were five more deaths, for a total of 247. 

Locally, two new cases were found in the City of Grande Prairie, and seven people recovered. And outbreak has been declared at the Rehoboth Christian Ministries Northridge Group Home in the City. There are two cases connected to this outbreak, with the first being identified on Aug. 26.

In the County, three new cases of the virus were found and two people recovered.  

Clear Hills County saw a jump in numbers, with 15 news cases identified. Sixteen people recovered. The County of Northern Lights has nine new and two new recoveries. Mackenzie County has had another 22 new COVID-19 cases and 23 recoveries. The MD of Fairview has four new and seven recoveries. In the MD of Peace, three more people contracted the virus and one person recovered. One person recovered in the MD of Smoky River, leaving zero active cases. 

Saddle Hills County has their first active case of the virus.  

Area totals: