One up and coming Christian artist is taking his recent hit song and combining it with a Christmas classic in a unique combination.

On November 27 Josh Wilson released a brand new video combining his hit song 'Revolutionary' with the holiday classic 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel'. 

"'Revolutionary' is all about kindness [and] I believe that kindness matters. It’s so easy to get caught up in all of the negativity we see in the world and on the news, and this song is a reminder that we are called to more than that," says Wilson, according to an article written by The Christian Beat. 

'Revolutionary' hit the airwaves on April 24 this year and it has been charting ever since. 

"We’re called to love as Christ has loved us. I am so encouraged by the acts of kindness I’ve seen many ways, our struggles are actually bringing us together," he says.

While the year has been tricky for artists who rely on touring and playing shows, some have found ways around it. Wilson is currently doing a small tour in his RV called the 'RV-lutionary Christmas Tour' and says it about 'your backyard and my guitar'.

"We’re learning that we all have a lot more in common than we thought, and it’s beautiful to see the ways people are serving each other. The lyrics are a prayer for God, through us, to start a revolution of kindness," says Wilson.