This morning the MD of Greenview received a copy of an Order in Council from the Province of Alberta, which officially declares the dissolution of the Town of Grande Cache. A copy of the Order can be accessed via our website.

The Order outlines a number of things regarding the dissolution and how Grande Cache will become a hamlet of the MD of Greenview. Several key points of the Order are:

  • The Town will become a hamlet of the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16 on January 1st, 2019.
  • The Town boundaries will, until otherwise specified by Council, form a new electoral ward known as Ward 9. Ward 9 will have two Councillors (Duane Didow and Tyler Olsen) who will join the existing eight Municipal District of Greenview Councillors to form a temporary Council of 10 members.
  • The Order will grant Greenview additional taxation ability regarding properties in the former Town.
  • Prior to the 2021 Municipal Election, Greenview is required to conduct a ward boundary review. This review will establish the number of Councillors forming Council as well as the boundaries of the wards.
  • All of Grande Cache’s liabilities and assets will transfer to Greenview on the date of dissolution.
  • Employees of the Town at the date of dissolution will automatically become employees of Greenview.
  • The MD of Greenview will be responsible for submitting the Town’s 2018 Audited financial statements.

Reeve Dale Gervais commented; “Today’s announcement confirming the transfer of the Town of Grande Cache to the MD of Greenview has lifted the curtain of uncertainty on Grande Cache’s future. As of today the work will start in earnest to complete the transition and to create the best possible situation for the residents of Grande Cache and the MD of Greenview. Our goal will be to achieve a positive and sustainable future with the help of the Councillors from Grande Cache working in harmony with the MD of Greenview Council to overcome all the obstacles that we are bound to encounter. I have faith that this is the best possible solution and we can make a positive difference in the community.”

The MD of Greenview and the Town will continue to work collaboratively towards an efficient transition.

Information provided by the Municipal Districl of Greenview.