Congratulations to Andrew McGregor from Grande Prairie Alliance Church, our latest Date Night on Daniel winner.

Andrew won a $100 gift card to Jeffrey’s and a Cineplex gift card courtesy of Daniel Cram of Sutton Realty.

Braidon & Kelsey Fehr nominated Andrew, "Andrew has been in GP for almost a year now, ministering at GPAC as the new Lead Pastor. You would think he’s been here for years! He has a significant impact on every person he comes into contact with. He is so caring and compassionate for his people - In and out of our church family. If you know Andrew, you know you are cared for! He loves Jesus with his whole heart and loves to share the love Christ has for us!! He is a true example of Jesus’ servant hood and what a heart like Christ looks like. Andrew & Maria truly deserve this chance to have a date night on Daniel"

Nominate your ministry leader today for a Date Night on Daniel.