County of Grande Prairie Council approved a new strategic plan during today’s Regular Council Meeting, which will guide the organization’s planning, initiatives and operations for 2022 – 2026.  

“Our new Strategic Plan charts a four-year path that prioritizes people. We are laying the groundwork for communities to thrive in the long-term while reflecting the top of mind needs and wants of our citizens,” said Deputy Reeve Peter Harris. “As a new Council, we created a plan that’s forward-thinking and innovative while embracing our strength as a vibrant and livable community.” 

The plan identifies six strategic themes as the County’s most important priorities. The six themes are Effective Transportation Networks; Fiscal Sustainability; Economic Development; Effective Land-Use Management; Community Wellness and Safety; and Governance and Leadership. Specific outcomes support the achievement of each theme. 

Harris said the plan was an opportunity for the new Council to discuss the County’s direction and to set a new path, guided by what Council heard during the election, input received from residents through a recent Citizen Satisfaction Survey and staff. “The plan builds on what’s working and responds to needs and opportunities that we saw arise over the past few years with our changing environment.”  

The County’s previous strategic plan was approved in 2020. While a number of these priorities continue to be reflected in this new strategic plan, Council also made a number of changes. Most notably, Council recognized the increasing need for a focus on mental wellness and created the Community Wellness and Safety priority to encompass both community safety and mental wellness.  

Now that the Strategic Plan has been approved by Council, Administration will update the Corporate Business Plan to reflect what has already been accomplished and what still needs to be completed. Performance indicators will be established to monitor and report on the plan. This process ensures the County can make adjustments as needed to accommodate change. 

For more information about the County of Grande Prairie Strategic Plan, visit