Alberta Health Services has launched a new webpage that provides regularly updated information regarding short-term, temporary bed reductions.

The vast majority of all beds remain open and available for patient care throughout the province.  

AHS has about 8,500 acute care beds across the province – 98.2 per cent of those beds are open and available for patients as of July 30, 2021. AHS has about 1,200 emergency department care spaces across the province. Of those, 97.1 per cent are open and available as of July 30, 2021.

The organizations says short term, temporary bed closures will not have a large impact on AHS’s ability to provide safe, quality patient care. They also say bed closures are not uncommon for AHS, especially in the summer when health care workers tend to take more personal time or vacation.

The system is constantly dynamic, and we manage beds on an hourly and daily basis, depending on patient need, staffing levels, acuity of patients and many other factors.

You can check out the new webpage here.