If you are looking to volunteer at Christmas time the kettles are the perfect way to get in the holiday spirit! The Salvation Army is in need of kettle volunteer's & each shift runs for 2 hours. There are many different locations and you get to pick the time that accommodate you best!
If you are interested in this opportunity, please call Lynn or Myrna at the Church at 780-538-2848!
The Salvation Army hopes everyone has a fantastic Christmas & they would like to thank all of the volunteers in advance!
Jesus is the reason for the season!
God bless.

As the Grande Prairie Community Services they treat all people with respect. They care for them by sharing Jesus, their resources and their story with them. They build community by providing opportunities for people to belong. They walk with them through changes in their lives without judgement. Jesus gives us hope and as we live in this hope we allow others to discover the hope of Jesus in their own lives by demonstrating love in action and words.

For more information about the services the Salvation Army provides, visit their website or Facebook page
Kettle Volunteers
Information provided by the Salvation Army.