An investigative panel made up of charismatic ministers has declared Canadian preacher Todd Bentley unfit for ministry. The panel was formed after accusations of sexual misconduct were brought against Bentley in 2019.

In August 2019 a former protege of Bentley's, Stephen Powell brought forth the accusations. Powell alleged Bentley of sexual misconduct with both male and female interns.

In September 2019 Dr. Michael Brown announced that he and others would form an investigative panel that would speak to both those bringing forth accusations as well as Bentley.

However, Brown says in the panel's statement, that after originally agreeing to answer the panel's 60 questions for him, Bentley then quite corresponding with the panel.

"Based on our careful review of numerous first-hand reports, some of them dating back to 2004, we state our theological opinion and can say with one voice that, without a doubt, Todd is not qualified to serve in leadership or ministry today." Brown says the panel heard numerous, credible, first-hand accounts that showed a "steady pattern of ungodly and immoral behaviour, confirmed by an independent investigator’s interviews dating from 2008 up through 2019, along with other testimonies dating back to 2004."

Brown says there were also numerous second and third-hand accounts which also showed the same pattern, though the panel only considered first-hand accounts.

"Sadly, we see no signs of true, lasting repentance. Instead, we see a steady pattern of compromised behaviour, including credible accusations of adultery, sexting (including the exchanging of nude pictures or videos), vulgar language, and substance abuse."

Brown says that to make matters worse, many of the allegations came from people whom Bentley had spiritual authority over, such as interns, team members, and people he was ministering to, "making these violations all the more serious.

"In our view, this disqualifies Todd from public ministry until such time that he has demonstrated true, lasting fruits of repentance, which would include: the breaking of these long-term, sinful habits; public acknowledgment of his sin, without equivocation, including asking forgiveness of those he sinned against; and submission to local church leadership until trust had been rebuilt. This would likely take a period of years."

The panel also recommends that Bentley's ordination be stripped until he is restored. They also recommend that while Bentley may be restored to ministry in the future, "at no point should he lead his own ministry. Instead, if he was truly restored to God and in submission to godly authority, he could serve in another leader’s ministry. But we believe it would be unwise and even potentially dangerous for him to lead his own ministry again."

Brown, and the rest of the panel, say that they hope both Bentley and the wider Church find redemption and restoration this year. "We pray for God’s best for Todd and his family and encourage them to seek out godly help with the hope that their lives may be fully restored in God. . . . May 2020 be a year of redemption, restoration, and hope for the Body of Christ."

The letter is signed by the rest of the panel:

Dr. Joseph Mattera, Overseeing Bishop of Resurrection Church, Brooklyn, NY, and Convener of the US Coalition of Apostolic Leaders

Dr. James W. Goll, Founder of God Encounters Ministries, Franklin, TN

Dr. Jane Hamon, Co-Pastor, Vision Church @ Christian International, Santa Rosa Beach, FL

Bishop Harry Jackson, Senior Pastor, Hope Christian Church, Beltsville, MD, and Presiding Bishop of the Ambassadors of Hope Fellowship of Churches

Dr. Don Finto, Pastor Emeritus, Belmont Church, Nashville, TN, and President and founder of Caleb Company