A man from Duck Lake, Saskatchewan is helping to keep old Bibles and hymnbooks out of the landfill, by starting what he is calling, The Bible Collection Project

Tim Martens has offered to take old, damaged Bibles and hymnbooks and store them until he can give them a proper burial.

He believes these worn and frayed books that no longer have a place to call home, deserve to be treated with respect.

Bibles or hymnbooks that can be mended are fixed and given to missions, so that they can have a second chance. All of the other Bibles and books that are damaged beyond repair are currently being stored in boxes in a closet in his home.

Martens is working alongside thrift stores in his area, as well as getting the word out to those who want to downsize, in hopes of keeping as many Bibles out of the garbage as possible.

He says he will collect the Bibles until he runs out of room, at which time he will hold a service and bury the books, offering words of thanksgiving for the role they have played in the faith lives of their owners.