Sadie Robertson Huff says Generation Z is "craving" absolute truth and community in dealing with the world around them.

In a society that shuns any concept of absolute truth, Robertson Huff says there is hope for the younger generation, the Christian Post reports.

She spoke earlier this week in a "Gen Z" session of the 2020 Q&A: A Virtual Townhall event. The event was hosted by Gabe Lyons and focused on issues facing today's older Gen Z's, ages 18 to 23.

Discipleship, mental health, and social media were some of the topics discussed.

In the discussion, Robertson Huff says she believes church leaders need to ask more of the younger generation without making excuses for them.

"I’ve sat in a room with church leaders who I love and adore," Robertson Huff says, "But there are times where I've even heard them say things like, 'Maybe we shouldn't do a conference at night because that is the night that college kids like to party.' And I'm like, 'That's why we should do a conference that night, because people are going to party if we expect too little.'"

"Let them [decide] if they’re going to go with the world or if they’re going to go with God, because you’ve got to make that decision," she says.

Robertson Huff says the world today offers polarization; a choice for young Christians.

"I think we do need to say to this generation, ‘choose,’ and let the people who are going to be on fire, be on fire. I think, in that way, we can reach more of the lost than being confused by who's actually lost."

But the author and former reality television star doesn't see the younger generation of Christians as lukewarm.

"It’s pretty hot or cold because it's actually really cool to stand for something these days," she says.

"It’s cool to 100% follow God, and it’s cool to 100% stay in the world. It's really not cool to be in the middle anymore."

Robertson huff says this is a different experience than millennials or other generations have experienced.

19-year-old evangelist Gabrielle Odom was also present for the discussion, with author Grant Skeldon moderating.

Odom put forth that she doesn't believe Gen Z is being asked clear questions.

"I've seen a lot of soft doctrines that have broken my heart as it pertains to teaching the next generation," says Odom.

"I'm begging for clarity. I think that my generation is spiraling and going out of control because there are too many tensions to fight through and no one's giving clear absolute truth. And I think the next generation is craving clarity because I think there are churches that are starving us of it."

Huff encouraged Christian youth to seek wisdom from older and more mature sources.

"Sometimes, our generation is fearful to ask for a mentor or fearful to ask to be discipled, but we crave it," she says.

Robertson Huff also encourages members of the older generations to ask to disciple youth today.

Transitioning to the subject of social media, Robertson Huff says she's seen God do incredible things through these online platforms, making her a "huge advocate" for social media.

An online presence, however, can come with repercussions.

Robertson Huff has been open in the past with her own struggles with mental health.

Mental health issues are so common today, Robertson Huff says, it's "almost weird if you don't struggle with mental illness in some capacity on a college campus these days."

She called the situation sad.

"There have been many studies that have shown that the like button is directly impacting people's mental health because what it's saying is, 'This is how liked you are. This is how approved you are,'" she explains.

"We're always performing; we're always filtering, we're always trying to be the best version of ourselves — and not in a good way. And that is mentally exhausting."

Instead of settling for likes, Robertson Huff encouraged Christian youth to find their worth in God, "cultivate a relationship with Jesus," and "be reading your Word.

"There are a lot of people watching Christianity and a lot of people listening to Christianity, but not a lot of people actually dropping their net and following Jesus," says Robertson Huff.

"If that does happen, and that can happen in an instant, then we're actually going to see an amazing thing happen."