A final public open house is being held on November 6 about the Northern Lights Area Structure Plan. The drop-in open house takes place from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Crystal Park School located at 9351-116 Avenue. It is an opportunity for the public to learn about the Northern Lights Area Structure Plan and shape the environment of a large geographical region within Grande Prairie.

The project is part of the City’s ongoing efforts to develop lands recently annexed into the City. The Northern Lights Area Structure Plan considers the City’s future long-term industrial land needs and has the potential to provide a range of recreational opportunities.

The City’s project team will be in attendance at the open house to provide landowners and the public the opportunity to review the completed draft Area Structure Plan and provide final comments before it is presented to City Council for approval.

For more information on the Northern Lights Area structure plan, please visit the City’s website.

Northern Lights ASP Open House Nov 6

Information provided by the City of Grande Prairie.