Many pastors across Manitoba believe church is essential and are therefore petitioning to open churches at full capacity in phase 3. 

Four pastors from Steinbach, Altona, Beausejour, and Morden created a website and are now seeking other believers, church-goers, and pastors to sign a letter to Brain Pallister, Manitoba’s premier. They hope to have no limitations on church attendance for phase 3 that should be in effect on Sunday.  

Right now, the proposal from Brain Pallister is that churches have groups no bigger than 50 in one section of a church with people using different entrances and exits, with up to 100 people in a building at one time and up to 300 people outside. 

Mark Reimer is the pastor at Grace Life Church in Beausejour and he says, “A church is a gathering. Since we have not been able to gather, it’s been very challenging to disciple the church as we normally would. We’ve done other things. We’ve put some sermons online, as well as try to connect with people in other ways, like on the phone. It’s definitely been a challenge because churches meet, that’s what they do.” 

The four founding churches plan on presenting this letter along with all the signatures to the premier on June 20. Right now, they have 322 individual signers from 72 different churches. 

“We saw that other provinces, especially Ontario and Alberta had put together letters like this and they had seen a pretty significant response. Alberta is now at full capacity for their churches and Ontario reopened churches at one third capacity at the same time they reopened patios.” Shares Reimer. 

provinces feedback, which is why there is a survey online for the public to weigh in on this new phase and what it will look like, including churches. 

“In Scripture we are commanded to pray for our leaders so that’s very important. They need our prayers.” 

Anyone can sign the letter if they support this motion, church-goers or not.