"We interrupt these regularly scheduled Facebook posts for a special announcement," Joni Eareckson Tada says with a big grin.

The Christian author stands beside her husband in a video posted to her social media account Friday, looking as if she might burst with the news she is about to share.

"We're so excited," Tada says as her husband, Ken, echos the sentiment.

"Guess what?"

Then Ken shares the news the couple is glowing over.

"Joni had her PET scan on Tuesday and our friendly oncologist sent us an email," Ken says.

Tada's husband then proceeds to read the email aloud.

"Looks great, no sign of cancer recurrence. Fluid around the lung has resolved as well."

It's news the couple has been hoping and praying for since Tada first announced she was cancer-free in July 2019.

Tada's recent cancer diagnosis was announced through Joni and Friends, Tada's international organization assisting those with disabilities, in November of 2018. Tada had been diagnosed with stage-three breast cancer eight years before, undergoing chemotherapy and a mastectomy in 2010.

"Now I can breathe so much better, I'm so excited," Tada says about her most recent news.

In the video, Ken shares a Bible verse that comes to mind.

"James 1:3 says, 'Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.' And my wife's got a lot of perseverance."

Tada can be seen with a big smile beside her husband throughout the one-minute video.

She ends the video by thanking her supporters for their prayers. "Love you guys!" she says.