Pastor Nathaniel Hille is thanking God for getting through a life-altering chapter. A rare, aggressive infection that caused his arm to be amputated, past his shoulder. 

"I stepped off a step stool and fell and hit my elbow," Hille said to 10 Tampa Bay. "Got a small scratch on my elbow and contracted Necrotizing Fasciitis or flesh-eating bacteria."

Hille, remained positive through it all. "I met people in the hospital that I never would have met and I got to talk to people about the Lord that I never would have gotten to talk to otherwise," he added to 10 Tampa Bay. 

Multiple procedures and almost 40 days in the hospital later, he got to go home. His wife, Cassie, shared a video to social media.  


A post shared by Cassie Hille (@_cassie_hille)

"We can not be more thankful to the Lord to be able to come home. We come home different. We come home changed. But we come home." Cassie said on a social media post. 

"We are not at the finish line there is a long road ahead…but boy oh boy does this checkpoint feel good!" She added.