The prominent evangelist, author, and Bible teacher Beth Moore spoke out on Twitter against the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas.

On Saturday, August 3 at 10:30 am, a gunman had fatally shot 22 people and left two dozen injured in a Wal Mart of El Paso.

Three days later, Moore sent out a thread of tweets calling on Christian leaders to be brave.

Moore says, "Be bold. Be clear. Do not assume people know where you stand. History will prove this to be a most critical hour and our silence to have been our shameful complicity."

Moore also says, "Let it be known, let it be declared by genuine followers of Jesus, that the man who opened fire in El Paso may invoke a christ of some kind but it is NOT our Christ."

The gunman has since been arrested, identified, and is charged with capital murder as he is held in custody without bond.