wildfire low

October 31 marks the end of the wildfire season in Alberta and while the hazard is low it does not mean the risk of wildfire is eliminated.  This winter remember to visit your burned sites and check for heat. If you see smoke or feel heat the fire is still burning. 

Fire Permits

Fire permits are no longer required in the Forest Protection as wildfire season has ended October 31 - March 01, 2019. If you are planning large scale burning it is still important to check with your local municipality or county as they may have winter burning bylaws and notification systems in place that can help monitor smoke and prevent an unnecessary emergency response. 

The Deadline to Apply for Wildfire Crew Positions is November 30, 2018

Are you looking for an exciting seasonal employment opportunity? Alberta Wildfire has a wide variety of seasonal positions from firefighting to fire detection, lookout observers, logistics and dispatch. With offices throughout the province there are plenty of options for positions and placement. Deadlines for applications vary and begin November 30, 2016 with the deadline for firefighting crew positions.

Find job descriptions, deadlines and application information here.

Thank you to all those who helped prevent wildfires this year by respecting fire and OHV bans, properly extinguishing campfires and taking precautions while recreating in forested areas.

The current wildfire danger for the Grande Prairie region is LOW. If you spot smoke or fire in forested areas call 310-FIRE immediately to report it.

check your winter burns

Article written by Kelly Burke, Wildfire Information Officer.