In her COVID-19 update today, Dr. Hinshaw addressed some questions and concerns about school in the fall and provided more clarification. 

The online toolkit is available for parents, teachers, school authority staff and anyone who is concerned about school reopening with guidance documents for all areas of school. Also available is the Resource Guide for COVID-19 Outbreaks in Schools

“That guide sets out specific protocols should a school experience a single person with symptoms, a confirmed case, or multiple cases leading to an outbreak being declared. What is not specified in this document is what has to happen to trigger a school closure. This is intentional, and meant to ensure that each situation gets a full assessment.” 

Dr. Hinshaw says the returning to school is complex and many factors would inform the decision to close a school that could be different depending on the local context. No triggers to close a school will be pre-determined by Alberta Health.  

She assures those concerned that AHS, Alberta Health and Alberta Education will monitor the situation in schools very closely and will be in contact with school authorities. Some things they will watch for are absenteeism, school outbreaks, and community transmission rates. 

“My advice will evolve, and will always be based on my assessment of the best balance of all health-supporting interventions in schools. I have family members who teach and children in school, too. Both personally and professionally, I am committed to a successful return to school.” 

As for if someone in a school group gets sick, students, teachers or staff who develop symptoms at school must be immediately isolated and sent home as soon as possible. No one who is sick should go to school, and parents should go through the screening questionnaire each morning with their kids.