The Salvation Army is looking for support from Grande Prairie residents. Captain Peter Kim says, that shevles are starting to get empty and want the people who are in need to be taken care of. In response to COVID-19, the food bank has changed its procedures. Salvation Army clients are now asked to schedule food hamper pick up by phone and each appointment has been spaced out to reduce interaction. Hampers will be placed near the front door instead of waiting in the facility. Kim says "They can still donate regulary as we have bins set up at the different supermarkets, or can make a monetary donations". Kim says the hot meal program at the Friendship Centre has also put a response plan in play. Those who come in are asked to wash their hands immediately and seating has been rearranged to provide more distance. "We're limiting the amount of people coming in at once, to under 40 and we are also set up in a way that the tables are far apart from eachother"  

To donate you can call 780-538-2848 or go on line