A magazine dedicated to reporting on human rights in China says that documents show people can now earn anywhere from $30 to $1,500 for tipping off officials about neighbours who hold religious beliefs. 

Bitter Winter magazine reports that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has set up reporting boxes in rural villages. It's a practice that harkens back to Cultural Revolution-era practices when neighbours were mobilized to spy on one another. 

According to Bitter Winter, the text on the box reads, “Box for reporting private (meeting) venues and missionary activities,” and gives the phone number for a free tip hotline: 4431919. (Bitter Winter)The boxes have been seen in many villages. The magazine reports that one villager told them, "The township government has issued such ‘reporting boxes’ to each village. Authorities are waging a crackdown against religious belief, and people in the village are prohibited from believing in God."

Bitter Winter says that a document they obtained shows varying amounts available for reporting on neighbours. 

The document states that, upon discovering a Falun Gong member teaching or giving a speech at a public venue, if reported immediately and verified, the informer will receive a reward of 200 to 1,000 RMB (about $30 to $150).

Reporting someone for making or spreading images, the informer will receive a reward of 500 to 2,000 RMB ($75 to $300).

If the reported tip has a significant impact, 5,000 to 10,000 RMB ($750 to $1,500) will be given.

Reporting a believer from The Church of Almighty God will earn 100 to 2,000 RMB ($15 to $300), with the largest reward being 3,000 RMB (about $450)."

Praying for China

Open Doors USA has published a list of what to pray for when it comes to the increasing persecution in China. 

An Open Doors ministry partner who works to equip ministry leaders in China said, “Don’t be too quick to jump to conclusions about what China needs. Pray for wisdom for the leaders. Pray with us.” She shared specific prayer needs for church leaders and churches in China:

  • Fortitude. Pray with Chinese Christians and church leaders for the fortitude to withstand increasing pressure and violent acts of persecution.
  • Empowerment. Pray that God would empower His church in China to reach the next generation.
  • Wisdom. Pray that leaders in China’s churches would have the wisdom to know how to handle the pressure they are coming under.
  • Workers for the harvest. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send workers to plant and nurture seeds that will ultimately bring forth an abundance of Kingdom fruit.
  • Protection. Pray that God will protect the rights and abilities of His people in China to worship Him.
  • Supernatural intervention in the hearts of leaders. Pray that Xi Jinping and other Party officials will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and put their trust in Jesus.
  • Courage for believers. Pray that given the choice between religious displays and poverty rations, believers will have wisdom and courage.