The latest in the situation related to Coronavirus in Alberta has Alberta Health Services (AHS) telling people to self isolate, if they are returning from Hubei province, China.

According to the province, there is an incubation period of up to 14 days. There is a small chance people can spread the virus during this time. Self isolation is a cautious action used to lower the chance that the virus could spread to others.

According to Dr. Deena Hinshaw, chief medical officer of health, good hygiene practices that help prevent colds and influenza will also reduce the risk of exposure to 2019-nCoV. Masks can be very important in certain situations. When sick, wearing a mask helps prevents us from passing on illnesses to other people.

In the meantime on Thursday the province sent out a memorandum to school staff, and parents, or guardians of children on the coronavirus.

The letter explained that the current risk to Albertans is low.

The Government of Alberta stated in the memorandum, although there is uncertainty on the issue of “asymptomatic transmission” (if an infected person can spread the virus before they get sick and start coughing, etc.), it is unlikely to contribute much to the spread of the virus. The highest risk of virus spread would be from a person who has symptoms like fever and cough.

The government also advised people traveling from Hubei province to spend 14 days in self isolation, if they have symptoms of fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, call Health Link to speak about testing and follow up.

There are no probable or confirmed cases in Alberta at this time.